How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template


How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

In this article, I am going to all about creating an online project using a website. Hope that you would be benefited from it. Now let’s begin-

What are Website Templates

In general, website templates are pre-built websites that use a CMS (Content Management System) as their backbone.

Think of it like a shell with the structure and layout all setup. As a web designer, your job is to input copy, fill in gaps, and customize everything according to your client’s needs.

There are tons of free website templates you can choose from, but good templates usually come from marketplaces like ThemeForest and cost anywhere from $30 to $70.

Whether you use WordPress or Drupal or Squarespace, all major CMS platforms have templates that you can easily use and install.

In fact, they were set up in such a way that you can easily import or export as many templates as you want.

There have been times when I was building a website for a client when I realized a certain template was not working as I thought it would. Thankfully, it’s not too difficult to change between templates.

How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Some Misconceptions About Website Templates

Before we get into how to use web design templates to earn more money and save time as freelance web designers, let us clear up some common misconceptions about templates. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Website templates are very easy to use

Using a website template to create a website comes with its benefits. But, that doesn’t mean it’s the easiest job in the world.

I’ve had people hire me after they bought a template and just couldn’t figure it out on their own.

There is a learning curve and it takes a particular set of skills and expertise.

Let’s take WordPress themes for example. First, you need to be familiar with WordPress. Then you have to get familiar with the theme. Then, there are plugins that you have to learn how to use according to the type of functionality.

It’s certainly not impossible that it is much easier than coding or designing something from scratch.

Which is quite an absurd thing to say. Even if it is easy to use, you are the one who knows the solution for what the customer is looking for and they are paying you for that solution. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Using a Website Template Is Cheating

Some people say that using a website template as a web designer is cheating the client.

Listen, I would never advocate that you tell a client you are going to build them a completely custom site and then find a template to use.

It is cheating and underhanded and if you are doing stuff like this I suspect you will not last very long as a freelance web designer.

But, if you are open and honest with your client then it is not cheating at all. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Website Template You Need

Website templates help a lot in saving you time as a web designer and ultimately allow you to take on more projects and make more money but that does not mean that templates do all the work for you.

Website templates are created at a very general level, meaning that someone creating a website template is trying to be relevant or helpful to as many businesses as possible. Some of them can get industry specific but every business is unique and will have a unique set of requirements for their sites.

There is also the issue of setting up a site in such a way that it converts visitors into your customers into customers. A template won’t do this for you.

You have to do the work of figuring out what is best for the client. More often than not I’ve found that a template would be a great solution. But, it’s important to know why that is and what you need to do to optimize it to make it the right solution for your customer.

In other words, a website template can help save you time but it won’t do all the work for you.

If you are a web designer or have sufficient knowledge to make your own website yourself then you can choose a template available on the web.How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

How to Create a Website Template

Now let’s discuss in detail how to create a website template.

To make your desired template follow the steps below:

Know the difference between a website and a template

A website is for a specific user, templates are for multiple users. A website will be used once, a template will be used many times. When you design a website, you have a specific audience in mind. When you design a template, you are designing for a general audience. (For example, when you build a website, you’re probably building for a specific plumber; when you build a template, you’re building for a plumber who may be working today or in the future.) I am your customer.) How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Think about how you want the template to look

Consider elements such as the color palette (no more than three colors is best) and fonts (likewise, we recommend using no more than three). How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Now choose a template

To create your own custom version, you’ll need to start with one of Duda’s templates. On the top bar of the editor, click Team > Team Templates > Create Template. You can start with a blank template or choose one with images and text. When choosing a template, consider the following:

Header and Navigation Style
Site Vertical (Restaurant, Service, etc.)
Objective (whole website or landing page)
Number of pages (single page or multiple pages)
Features and Widgets (Store, Blog, etc.)
color scheme (dark or light. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Give the template a Name

Once you have selected the template, click on Create & Customize. You’ll be asked to give the template a name, so think of something that will be meaningful to everyone on your team. For example, the ‘Midday Template” would probably be useless while the “Mason template” would be very useful. If you later change your mind about the name of the template, don’t worry. You can change its name at any time.

From this point on, you will be working in template mode. When you’re finished, click Done to save your design as a team template, which means anyone building a website on your team can use it as the basis for their own sites. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Start with Desktop Design

All templates are fully responsive so it’s really important to test each version on its own (desktop, tablet and mobile) as some elements will need to be changed in some versions. Focus on the desktop design first and when it’s right, move to the tablet and then the mobile version.

Site elements that can be customized for each version include:

Header and Navigation Menu
font size
padding and margin spaces
photo gallery layout
popup size
Site background colors and images. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Set Global Design

This is where you’ll set the styles that apply to all pages and widgets in the template. Make sure you define all the elements now (even if you don’t use them), so that they’re set when you and your teammates use the template. Elements controlled here include:

Global Font: Set the font size and color for everything from H1 to H6. These styles apply to blogs as well.

Global Buttons: Set the design for all buttons. Stick to your color palette (no more than three colors; see Step 2) and consider adding a shadow to make the buttons pop.

Site Background: Set a background image or color for all pages and per page.

Site Layout: Choose from three customizable desktop layouts and choose your desktop width: 960px or 1200px. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Design the homepage thoughtfully

The homepage is very important as it defines the entire flow of the site. If your template has multiple pages, there should be a section on the homepage for each page that appears in the navigation. For example, if the navigation includes: About / Services / Team / Contact, the homepage should have a section or row related to each of these. If your template has one page, the navigation should connect to anchors on the page. How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

Add Pictures

Even though many (if not all) of the images you use in a template will be changed when used to build a website, we recommend using high-quality, relevant images that provide guidance and Provides inspiration. The hero image is the top image on the page — choose a great, relevant, high-quality image for it. For the rest of the images, use 1920px HD images with a max load of 450k.

Follow the above-mentioned steps and go on trying your best. Hope that you would be able to make website templates of your own. 0 0 0.

How to Create an Online Project Using a Website Template

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