How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time


How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time

How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time

How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time

How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time

Playing sound through both headphones and speakers at the same time can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when you want to share audio with others without disturbing those around you or when you want to enjoy a more immersive audio experience. However, this is not a default setting on most devices, and it can be tricky to achieve. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions for how to play sound in headphones and speakers simultaneously on Windows and Mac computers.

Method 1: Windows

Step 1: Enable Stereo Mix
The first step to playing sound in headphones and speakers simultaneously on a Windows computer is to enable the Stereo Mix option, which allows audio output to be routed to multiple devices. Here’s how to do it:

Right-click the speaker icon in the taskbar and select “Sounds”.
Click the “Recording” tab.
Right-click in the blank space in the “Recording” tab and select “Show Disabled Devices” and “Show Disconnected Devices”.
Look for “Stereo Mix” in the list of recording devices. If it’s not there, right-click in the blank space and select “Create a new device” and select “Stereo Mix”.
Right-click on “Stereo Mix” and select “Enable”.
Step 2: Set Speakers as Default Playback Device
Once Stereo Mix is enabled, you need to set the speakers as the default playback device:

Right-click the speaker icon in the taskbar and select “Sounds”.
Click the “Playback” tab.
Right-click on the speakers and select “Set as Default Device”.
Step 3: Set Headphones as Default Communication Device
Finally, you need to set the headphones as the default communication device:

Right-click the speaker icon in the taskbar and select “Sounds”.
Click the “Recording” tab.
Right-click on the headphones and select “Set as Default Communication Device”.
Step 4: Test the Audio Output
To test that audio is being played through both the headphones and speakers, play some audio and listen to see if you can hear it through both devices.

Method 2: Mac

Step 1: Create an Aggregate Device
On a Mac, you need to create an aggregate device that combines the headphones and speakers into a single audio output:

Open the “Audio MIDI Setup” app (you can find it in Applications > Utilities).
Click the “+” button in the bottom left corner of the window and select “Create Aggregate Device”.
In the right-hand pane, select the checkboxes next to “Built-in Output” and your headphones.
Rename the aggregate device to something like “Headphones and Speakers”.
Step 2: Set the Aggregate Device as the Default Audio Output
Once you have created the aggregate device, you need to set it as the default audio output:

Open System Preferences and select “Sound”.
Click the “Output” tab.
Select “Headphones and Speakers” from the list of devices.
Step 3: Adjust Volume Settings
To adjust the volume settings for the headphones and speakers separately, you can use the “Volume” slider in the “Audio MIDI Setup” app.

Step 4: Test the Audio Output
To test that audio is being played through both the headphones and speakers, play some audio and listen to see if you can hear it through both devices.


Playing sound in headphones and speakers simultaneously can be a useful feature in certain situations, and it is possible to achieve on both Windows and Mac computers. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to enable this feature and enjoy a more versatile audio experience. 0 0 0.

Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker

FAQs on How To Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker at The Same Time

Q: Can I play sound through my headphones and speakers simultaneously?

A: Yes, you can play sound through both your headphones and speakers at the same time.

Q: Why would I want to play sound through both my headphones and speakers?

A: Playing sound through both your headphones and speakers can be useful in a number of scenarios, such as when you want to share your music with others or when you want to keep your headphones on but also want to hear notifications or other sounds through your speakers.

Q: How do I play sound through my headphones and speakers at the same time?

A: There are several ways to do this, depending on your computer and operating system. Some common methods include using a splitter cable, using the “Stereo Mix” feature in your sound settings, or using third-party software.

Q: What is a splitter cable?

A: A splitter cable is a cable that allows you to split your audio output into two separate channels. You can connect one channel to your headphones and the other to your speakers, allowing you to play sound through both at the same time.

Q: How do I use the “Stereo Mix” feature to play sound through my headphones and speakers?

A: To use the “Stereo Mix” feature, you will need to enable it in your sound settings. Once enabled, you can select both your headphones and speakers as output devices, allowing you to play sound through both simultaneously.

Q: What third-party software can I use to play sound through my headphones and speakers at the same time?

A: There are several third-party software options available, such as Audio Router, Voicemeeter, and CheVolume. These programs allow you to route your audio output to multiple devices at the same time.

Q: Can I adjust the volume of my headphones and speakers independently when playing sound through both at the same time?

A: Yes, you can usually adjust the volume of your headphones and speakers independently by adjusting the volume settings for each device in your sound settings or in the third-party software you are using.

Q: Will playing sound through both my headphones and speakers affect the quality of the sound?

A: Playing sound through both your headphones and speakers can potentially reduce the quality of the sound, as the sound will be split between two output devices. However, the extent of the reduction in quality will depend on a number of factors, such as the quality of your headphones and speakers, the quality of your audio files, and the method you use to play sound through both devices.

Q: Can I play sound through more than two devices simultaneously?

A: Yes, it is possible to play sound through more than two devices simultaneously using certain third-party software options. However, this may require more advanced setup and configuration. ***.

Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker

Play Sound In Headphone And Speaker

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