Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data


Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data 

In our digital world, data protection is a big matter as to where there are thousands of hackers who might encroach upon the godown of our data and information. But it is bliss upon us that there are many ways in which we can save our data store from being pirated. Let us discuss the methods as under:

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

 1. Create a Risk-Aware Culture

A company culture focused on data protection is essential, especially as more employees than ever before are using non-company tools. Working on telecommunications and mobile devices are some of the biggest threats to data security if access and security updates are not managed properly. So all employees need to be trained on the importance of identifying data security issues such as clicking on a suspicious attachment, keeping mobile devices updated with the latest security patches, or plugging in an external USB stick. The same intolerance must exist, at the company level, when coworkers are careless about safety.

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

2. Secure Password

Since restricting the use of personal devices is not a viable strategy, the solution to data protection issues from mobile devices is to control access while maintaining the ability to work on mobile devices.  So passwords should be strong and unique, with two-factor authentication. However, in a survey of 250 IT professionals, 62 percent reported that employees using weak passwords that bring on risk at any time.

3. Secure Success Through System Administrators

Being a system administrator gives the security of a gatekeeper to access data and monitor permissions. Think of a systems administrator as intelligence, moat and strong castle walls protecting your data. Cloud-based information systems provide ideal data protection solutions because of the ability to manage permissions and access from a system administrator level.

Also, access and permissions to company data must be carefully controlled by the system administrator to ensure secure data storage. System access of contract workers and dismissed employees must be managed with precision.

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data 

4. Make your Cloud a Fort

While some people worry that off-site data storage is less secure, the reality is that most data compromise incidents actually come from within. According to Forrester Research, 25 percent of respondents who experienced security breaches say that the data security issues were caused by insiders with malicious intent. An additional 36 percent of respondents said data protection breaches were the result of the mistakes of the employees. Quite simply stated, data security is more robust with off-site cloud-based software and storage.

Cloud security comes from secure practices, secure servers and secure physical locations. Ensuring that your cloud provider goes above and beyond best data security practices, along with seeing that your data is encrypted, ensures the most secure data possible.

Educating employees to be vigilant in data protection practices as well as identifying potential threats to secure data practices will enhance your company’s data security. 0 0 0.

Best Practices In Protecting Salesforce Data

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