About Us

(About Us): Our Website Kalpapage i.e. https://kalpapage.com/is a blog that contains digital technology-related articles and royalty-free photos of various things including lots of images of reputed persons. The data and information on this website are collected from various sources such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, internet, research papers, etc, and edited by a board of experts. We are ever grateful to all the source holders. We have left no stone unturned to present accurate and error-free data. Despite our painstaking efforts, there may have every possibility of creeping DPT mistakes, grammatical mistakes and a lack of up-to-date data. If there are any such mistakes, we apologize for this.

We humbly request our readers to inform us if they find anything incongruous on our website. Hope that our dear viewers would cooperate with us and help us in continuing our mission of disseminating knowledge of digital technology to the general mass. 

Comments, criticism, and feedback of any kind are warmly welcomed.

Editorial Board

Rabbi Masrur (Chief Editor)